Wednesday, July 30, 2008

out of the blackout

by Robert Barnard

Another Felony & Mayhem selection. A small boy who is evacuated from London during WWII is never reclaimed by his parents. Interesting but forgettable.


Nan said...

Hi Jill,
I just began Out of the Blackout, and did a google blog search to see if anyone else had read it. Your entry came up. I wonder if I will feel the same way. Right now, only a few pages in, I am riveted. I'll be back to visit some more. I have an old 'My Bookhouse - In the Nursery' which is a treasure.

Jill said...

Maybe I was too harsh. It was pretty good. But so often I'm left cold by characters. I should find more Barnards. He can write.

Thanks for the comment :)

Jill said...

Yes, they are treasures. I have three: Through Fairy Halls, Up One Pair of Stairs, and The Latchkey. I'd love to have all six. My sisters and I had them as children, though I think the covers were black. The green ones are lovely. :)